Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Flaming Food

Do you ever feel so full after you eat? Do you ever look in the mirror after a meal and think you look inflamed? It is a fact that certain convenient foods that do cause inflammation.

Fatty red meats, refined carbs, prepackaged processed meats are all on this list! Fatty cuts of red meat contain excess cholesterol and saturated fats! Refined carbs, (such as white rice, white pastas, chips, cookies, pastries, and soft drinks) are all very low in fiber resulting in high GI rating. They also have low levels of antioxidants, if any.  Prepackaged meats (such as deli meats; ham, roast beef, ect.) are saturated and trans fats. They are also known to have cancer-causing nitrates.

These are just to name a few. There are many others that can cause inflammation as well. If you can avoid these foods, I would opt for more nutrient filled foods. By avoiding foods such as these and opting for more nutritious foods it will keep your body more fulfilled and looking great!


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Toe Shoes

I am obsessed with my Vibram FiveFinger shoes! I do my cardio, weight training, anything you can think of yes I even use them doing Pilates. They are so comfortable like you are not even wearing shoes, just natural! I get asked all the time how do I like them? I am not a gym shoe lover! I would rather run bare foot doing sprints on a treadmill! ( I have done this, and I would not recommend it!) I will not wear any other "gym" shoe again. They hold up great and I do beat on them!

 If you want more information visit their website Vibram FiveFingers

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Low - Carb Diet

I have been asked what my opinion of  low carb/fat diets is. Well any diet is good for a period of time. With the low carb/fat diet I have acouple concerns.One is your levels of leptin* will drop after time. Now when those levels drop your hunger rises and your diet will no longer fulfill you. This more then likely will lead back into bad habits in eating especially in food that are high in fats and sugars! Also many people do complain of lack of energy! Remember carbs is the primary fuel source for your body! If you are certain that you still would like to try this and be on this diet I would say try one or two days have a high carb high calorie meal. This should balance your levels out and recharge your body!

* Leptin is a protein hormone with important effects in regulating body weight, metabolism and reproductive function.*

Fat Burning Breakfast

Maple Pumpkin Pie Baked Oatmeal

  • 1/2 cup old-fashion oats, I used the rolled oats from Whole Foods
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/4 cup of canned pumpkin puree
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp of pure maple extract
  • 1/4 tsp of cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp nutmeg, I used fresh grated nutmeg
  • 3 tbsp nonfat cottage cheese
  • Sugar to substitute taste, I didnt use any sugar and it still tasted great!
 Combine all ingredient into a oven safe dish bake at 350 degrees for about 30 mins, or until the top oatmeal is firm.

* This is for one serving

** If you would also like to know the nutrition value of this as well just ask!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Picture It...

When setting any goals its very important to set high but realistic goals! Some people are motivated by seeing pictures either of themselves at a time when they thought they looked great or sometimes celebrities. I think this is a great idea to a point. Its always a good idea to set amazing goals for ones self but at the same time are they goals that can be reached? For an example if you have always been heavier your whole life and struggled with your body is a good idea to put a picture out of Victoria Beckham? Now I am not being mean! The truth is that you will never look like her. That is the truth! I know many people would shake their heads and say I can if I work hard but NO you cant. Your body is not built like that!! That is just how it is. I just want to make it clear to set a reasonable goal and push past it! I don't really like the idea of putting a celebrity picture and place your goal on that. There are so many false ideas with those images that you see! Photoshop, lighting, spanx, and as far as cosmetic procedures to enhance or change their bodies. I am not knocking them at all nor cosmetic procedures, I have had work done and will admit it. Its just sad to see so many people trying to be something that may or may not be realistic for them. There are other ways to reach YOUR goals!! If you dont feel like you have ever looked a way you wanted then start with taking a picture of yourself and post it either on the fridge, treadmill, or wherever it helps you. I would say every 2 weeks, take another picture and post it next to the one from before. If your a female wear a sports bra and shorts, a male wear shorts. This way you can see progress, DONT BE ASHAMED no matter what size you are. Start with aiming to drop a pants size! Then set other goals whatever they may be either to run a 5k, be a certain yet reasonable size dress or pants, or any other goals you have. Stay on track and remember to treat yourself for yourself for reaching goals! If you need help ASK!! Trainers can be expensive but they can also work around your needs! Nutritionist can get very pricey but there are options too! I can recommend trainers as well, all one has to do is ask. Its all worth it even if it means you cant buy those new shoes this week and spend it on a trainer :)

I'm not telling you it is going to be easy—I'm telling you it's going to be worth it. --Art Williams

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Weighing in..

 Some people dread the word scale and some people are on theirs about 4 times a day. Do you ever wonder why your scale is different from the gyms or your friends? Dont just buy a cheap scale and rely on it!! Make sure you invest in a good one! Here are some scales that have great reviews and comments!!

  • Weight Watchers Glass Memory Precision Electronic Scale WW43 
  • Newline Wooden platform electronic Bathroom Scale SBB0806
  • Tanita BC-558 Segmental Body Composition Monitor
  • My Weigh XL-550 Talking Scale
  • Bowflex Total Body Fat Analyzer and Scale 5584BOW 
 The scales range in price from about $60 to $175.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Great Morning Breakfast

French Toast

  • 1 cup egg substitute
  • ½ cup skim milk
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 10 slices low calorie whole wheat bread, thinly sliced
  • Butter spray

In shallow bowl, combine egg, milk, cinnamon and vanilla. Dip bread into mixture until coated well. Place non-stick skillet over medium heat and spray with butter spray. Place dipped bread in skillet and brown about 3 minutes on each side, spraying more butter if necessary. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or serve with light syrup.  5 servings of 2 slices each. 

Serving size: 2 slices
Calories: 147
Protein: 11 grams
Carbohydrate: 22 grams
Fat: 3 grams
Fiber: 5 grams
Cholesterol: 1 milligram
Sodium: 306 milligrams 

-Gay Riley Recipe

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Is it late at night? Are you watching tv? Sitting around?? Having people over? Instead of wasting your money on 100 calorie snack packs or digging into the bag of chips you found in the kitchen why dont you try some of these easy, fast, great tasting, and more filling 100 calorie snack!!

  • Sliced tomato with a pinch of feta cheese and olive oil
  • Banana
  • Tall skinny latte from Starbucks
  • Non fat string cheese
  • 1 cup of carrots even add 2 teaspoons of your favorite hummas
  • Half of a cantaloupe, YES a whole half!!
  • 1 Cup of strawberries. Have a sweet tooth? Add 3 tablespoons of cool whip and still be at 100
This is to just name a few, there are so many other great tasting things that are filling and still good for you!!

Your thoughts..

One in 20 women would rather give up a limb than be obese, according to a study in the journal Obesity. What would you give up or nothing at all?!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer Party Gifts

Every time you are invited to a BBQ, birthday party, grad party, or just a summer get together more then likely you bring something. Why not try something different then cupcakes, brownies, or dips. Try an Edible Arrangement! Its all fresh fruit!! Its a great hit with everyone!! I just ordered one for my daughter for her 4th birthday yesterday and they delivered it with balloons and all. She was so excited!! My kids have been glued to it since it came, so has my husband. Eat all you want and not feel guilty! 

Everyone falls off..

  To say the least, I have not been practicing what I preach. The last couple weeks I have not put any time into the gym and my eating habits have not been on track as well. I can sit here and list an long list of excuses but its nothing more then excuses. One reason besides the craziness of summer parties is my kids have been sick! I cant seem to shake it from them even with antibiotics, like I said the parties is an excuse. It is nothing but the truth to say that everyone does fall off their routines but its if you get back to your routines is what matters.

  To test a person true strength is how hard you fall and then get back up or stay down, how bad do you want it. Now this topic can go so many different ways but I am talking just about fitness and nutrition. I know with summer here and all the parties temptation is all around. Hot days to lay out, go to the pool, bbqs, sweets, pizzas, fast and easy foods will be at every corner how do you react? Do you give in because its summer? Do you go with the flow and everyone else is? Do you hold your ground? We all fall to it!! However, we can all set a goal to do it one day, can be the same day every week, or choose a different day of the week to have one cheat meal, not cheat day just a meal, or treat yourself by skipping a hard workout one day. Delicious food doesn't mean that it has to be loaded with fats, sugars, ect. Healthy and nutritious foods can taste just the same. Like I said before its how bad you want to achieve your goals. Living a fit and healthy life takes work and doesn't just come over night!

  Today I started right back on my routines! Supplements, eating habits, and fitness. I didn't wait until next Monday, I hear that alot," Ill start on Monday". No start now!! I still dont feel 100% but I did a work out that pushed me just enough to feel like I did something, tomorrow Ill push a little more, until I feel back 100%! Ive been sick for about a week and I know how my body handles things, never just jump right into it, take your time! Just remember you are not the only person who falls, just remember to get right back up!!!!


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Shake of the day


Ingredients & Instructions:
  • 1 single tall espresso shot
  • 12 oz milk
  • 2 scoops vanilla protein powder
  • scoop ice
Mix all ingredients in blender, blend until smooth!! Enjoy..

Friday, June 24, 2011

Price to perfection..

So many people are looking for that miracle diet pill to make them lose the weight, tone their body, and they just sit back and watch it happen! There is NO pill in the world that is going to do such thing!!!! Your body is its own science, it amazing! Yet since so many people still do take diet pills, and many celebrities are also promoting them the diet pill fade will NEVER fade. I just read a article in my Fitness RX magazine that was so interesting to me. Since the FDA banned the use of ephedra all these companies are trying to find or make something that compares with ephedra. Little if any of these ingredients have even been tested by the FDA!! Anything that put into your body should be taken with much caution, and some people will do anything to lose weight that there are cases of live failure and other illnesses. This has always been an issue with dietary supplements. At what price will people continue to try an achieve perfection in their eyes. Its on thing to know what is going in your body, but just to take anything cause someone famous says it will make you look a certain way. These people that are spokes people for the product all have trainers,nutritionist, or someone helping them, its NOT the pill!! Remember to never let anyone talk you into taking a product to help you gain muscle, lose weight, get faster, get stronger!! When involving yourself around that environment PLEASE make sure they are certified, even ask what they are certified in or not in even ask to see certification in nutrition as well as training. You never want to harm your body in the price to perfection, at what cost will you pay?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ab mistakes??

The Top 6 Abdominal Training Mistakes

  1. Neglecting Your Abs

    Neglecting the abdominal muscles is something that average gym-goers and bodybuilders alike tend to do quite often. This is a combination of multiple things. Sometimes, people figure that doing compound exercises is sufficient for ab development. Wrong. You can develop decent abs from compound exercises, yes, but you won’t maximize their strength and size this way. More than likely, you should be training abs much more seriously than you are.
    A good idea for your ab training regimen is possibly on your normal off-days, to come in and train abs extremely hard. Being one of the smaller, more stubborn muscles on your body, they’re actually able to be trained quite often. Training them 4-5 days a week is probably overkill, but hitting them hard 2-3 times a week is definitely a decent start. Throwing them in at the end of a chest workout, though, isn’t going to allow the same level of abdominal fatigue.
  2. Lacking a Structured Ab Routine

    Most bodybuilders look at their training routine, and they are planning on how to hit the largest muscles in their body, like chest, back, legs, and others primarily when mapping out a training program. Similarly, they quite often completely leave a day focused on abs out of their program, or just throw it in with a large muscle that requires tons of energy, and don’t really focus on it.
    Putting more effort into training abs, and mapping it out well in your routine will pay dividends. Occasionally train your abs at the beginning of your workout, when they are fresh and when you have highest level of energy.
  3. Not Hitting Abs with Maximum Intensity

    Whether they’re in a hurry to get out of the gym, or simply don’t understand the basics of human anatomy, many people train abs while just going through the motions, and actually end up targeting other muscles rather than their abs. It’s important to feel your abs engaging during exercises, and really focus on squeezing them.
    If you want to really hit your abs hard, do them first in your workout. If you hear or read that training abs before squats or overhead presses could lead to injury due to a fatigued core, just know that is more of a myth than a reality.
  4. Improper Oblique Training

    Many bodybuilders especially train their abdominals like they’re sculpting a masterpiece. This is because as a bodybuilder you’re looking to maximize the v-taper appearance of your physique, and its overall appeal, and over time training obliques has been known to make the waist appear wider. Therefore, the majority of bodybuilders barely train abs, and definitely avoid heavy oblique training.
    On the other hand, strongmen, powerlifters, sport specific athletes, weekend warriors, and pretty much anyone who is training for actual fitness rather than bodybuilding, should not neglect their obliques. Perhaps the obliques should never be trained with 12-15 rep sets to target hypertrophy, but there is always a reason to train your obliques with heavy weight to make them strong, develop core stabilization, and improve rotational power.
    In my opinion you can never go wrong training your obliques once in a while with higher rep sets (20+) for conditioning and endurance, especially if your sport requires rotation or abrupt turns.
  5. Training for Abdominal Definition

    In general, nothing you do inside a gym will truly build or allow for ripped, visible abdominal muscles. The essential key to obtaining a ripped midsection, and washboard abs, is a good diet. When shedding fat away and revealing those abs is a concern, the primary focus should be on your caloric expenditure exceeding what you eat on a daily basis. This will allow for fat loss from week to week, and start revealing those abs. Of course, remember to take in sufficient protein to avoid muscle loss.
  6. Excessive Repetitions

    It’s not exactly precise where people get this notion from, but many people believe that your abdominals are built from doing tons and tons of crunches, or situps. Your abs, however, are like any other muscle, and grow from resistance.
    If you want large, thick dense, abdominal muscles, you’re going to need to add some resistance. Lower the number of repetitions you’re doing to build some thickness and density in your abs.
    Also choose exercises that are not traditional cookie-cutter step-class movements. You want to be moving your entire body through space and lifting heavy weights when you train your abs. Crunches won’t do you much good at all. Try windshield wipers and clothespins instead.

Shake of the day..

Creatine Catalyst

  • 2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder, I would use a whey protein powder..
  • 5 Granny Smith apples
  • 5 grams (one teaspoon) Creatine powder
  • 1/2 cup ice cubes

Blend and enjoy!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Great day to get OFF the couch..

Yes here in Chicago it is raining and miserable out, wouldnt you just love to get a blanket, movies and jump on the couch!! NO!!!!! Get off the couch and work out!! Today your not missing the pool or anything in the sun. Try this workout!

  • Run 1 mile to warm up
  • Biceps
Standing Barbell Curls - 3 sets x 12,10, 8 reps
Alternating Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls - 3 sets x 12,10,8 reps
Preacher Curls - 3 sets x 12,10,8 reps
  • Triceps
Cable Push Downs - 2 sets x 8,8 reps
Bench Dips - 2 sets x 12,12 reps
Overhead Dumbbell Extensions - 2 sets x 8,8 reps

  • Abs

Sit Ups - 3 sets x 15 reps
Toe Touches - 3 sets x 15 rep
Wood Choppers - 3 sets x 15 reps

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Shake of the day..

Beach Paradise

  • 1/4 cup pineapple juice
  • 1 sliced banana
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup peeled sliced mango
  • 8 to 10 ice cubes
  • 1 scoop of high quality protein powder
Blend all ingredients in a blender until blended. Enjoy!!

* This is even a great shake for the kiddies just remove the protein*


I know I haven't been on here as much as I said I would. Being a mother of 3 very active kids I think you can understand. There is only a few more hectic days left before our summer really takes off! It is so easy to fall of track during the summer months with your nutrition and workouts! BBQ, parties, or just laying in the pool sounds so much more fun then putting in an hr at gym and protein shakes. I know how you feel!!!! Just remember how you feel after you put in your time and you eat right then put on your swim suit!! Rather then when its a free for all and then you look in the mirror and have nothing but complaints!! The time and effort really makes it all worth while! You cant get to a gym, walk around the blocks near your house, swim laps in the pool, more less what I am trying to say is that you don't have to beat yourself up in a gym everyday, you can enjoy your summer as well!! There are many ways to enjoy everything and still workout and eat clean!

  • Make a commitment to yourself that you'll stay on your routines! Just change them up instead of the gym 3 days a week alternate do your workout outside then return to the gym for your next day. 
  • Remember just because you are going to a BBQ, party, ect. DON'T starve yourself!! Just because you know you are going to indulge or eat differently then you normally do, don't starve yourself. Eat thorough the day as you normally would so once you arrive your less likely to drive into temptations or over eating! 
  • Always have a bottle of water with you. Drinking water through out the day you are more likely to skip the cravings since you will feel more full.
  • Fruits and veggies instead of chips and dip!!
These are just some helpful pointers to help! Ill be try to post more since most things are coming to an end around my house!


Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Don't compare your body or progress in your goals. Everyone is built so very differently and will react to workouts, eating habits, and whole chain of life differently. So its not that you have a problem cause your friend does everything that you do and your still not where you want to me and they are. Change up your routine!! What works for one will NOT work for another!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Know How To Calculate Your Heart Rate..

Take 220 and minus your age which is accurate to approximately +15 Beats Per Minute. You then take that number and multiply it by .75 - .85, which will give you your percentages of 75% -- 85% of your Maximum Heart Rate.

(220-Age) x .75 = beats per minute (lower range)

(220-Age) x .85 = beats per minute (upper range)

This is the Target Range or Zone that you want to stay in when doing any type of cardiovascular (aerobic) activity. When in this range your body is getting an optimum workout with maximum benefit, and it stays in a Fat Burning mode.

Shake of the day..

Tropical Vanilla Shake

  • Mix 2 scoops of Vanilla Protein Powder
  • 8 oz. Orange Juice
  • 4-5 ice cubes
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
  • ½ banana
  • 2-3 frozen strawberries
  • 2 packets of sweetener

  Mix everything into a blender and blend until your likeness!! Enjoy..

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Health nut or is it an addiction?

Have you ever wondered if you were a gym rat or just taking good care of yourself? Do your family or friends say that you have a problem? It is very true that one can suffer from becoming obsessed with working out and dieting! I disorder that is called obligatory exercise or exercise bulimia, an exercise addiction. It is not just someone who likes to workout or is a very healthy eater. It is an extreme obsession that control the persons entire life.

The syndrome is most common among high-endurance athletes, such as runners and triathletes, as well as gymnasts, bodybuilders, weight lifters, wrestlers and dancers. According to David Coppel, a sports psychologist and professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine, exercise addiction affects about one percent of the population, though the tendency toward compulsive exercise may be more widespread. “The line between a healthy attitude and an unhealthy compulsion to exercise is determined not necessarily by how much you exercise but by what happens if you can’t exercise,” he says.
Exercise addicts crave the endorphin release – followed by exhaustion – just to feel normal. And, like any addict, they experience withdrawal if they can’t exercise, including mood swings, anxiety, excessive guilt and even bouts of depression. They can’t deal with the emotional fallout of skipping a workout. And because they almost always choose exercise over anything else, it’s not uncommon for them to have strained relationships with spouses, friends and even employers (especially if they make it a habit to leave work early to get their workouts in).

No Rest for the Addicted
“Exercise addicts and people who over-train think only exhaustive exercise is beneficial,” says Renee Jeffreys, a clinical exercise physiologist with the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. “They don’t understand rest cycles and don’t allow their bodies time to recover.” Basic physiology tells us that building strength is a matter of shortening and lengthening your muscles: when you break them down, they come back stronger. “But whenever you break muscles down, there is trauma at the cellular level,” explains Jeffreys. “If you never rest, you don’t give your muscles time to recover and get stronger.”

Back in the drivers seat
Treating exercise addiction is a matter of empowering the person so that exercise can once again become a free choice, says Coppel. This can be achieved through therapy and, in many cases it may be the only true exercise addict can work through her issues.
But exercise habits exist along a continuum, and many people have some compulsive tendencies –they may not be crippling, but they may be harmful to your self-esteem. Reflecting on yourself honestly, reassessing your exercise goals and listening to your body is the best medicine to prevent that slippery slide into full-blown addiction. It’s also about changing your mindset to focus on fitness, rather than appearance.
Judi Ketteler, Arthur of article Gym Obsessions

Shake of the day..

 Tropical Madness


• 1/2 cup mango, sliced
• 1/2 cup pineapple chunks
• 1 cup non-fat vanilla soy milk
• 1 tablespoon honey
• 2 ice cubes
• 2 teaspoons almonds, sliced


Put all the ingredients together in a blender, except for the almonds. Blend until the mixture is smooth. Pour the shake into a glass and sprinkle with almonds. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Shake of the day

Sexy Shake

• 8 oz low-fat chocolate milk
• 1 scoop (30 g) of whey protein
• 1 cup frozen raspberries or blueberries

Calories: 345, Total Fats: 5 g, Saturated Fat: 3 g, Trans Fat: 0 g, Cholesterol: 73 mg, Sodium: 208 mg, Total Carbohydrates: 44 g, Dietary Fiber: 8 g, Sugars: 37 g, Protein: 31 g, Iron: 1 mg

Monique Ryan, MS, RD


Never Go Longer Than 3 Hours Without A Healthy Meal.
It is important to keep your body in an anabolic state and if you're not feeding your body regularly it will go into a catabolic state and begin eating muscle for fuel. This is the last thing that anyone who is trying to stay fit or lose weight. This doesn't always have to be solid food, but could be a meal replacement or a protein drink with some fruit. As long as you're giving your body fuel to work with you'll be fine. Also, by eating frequently you help prevent cravings for junk food, as when you get too hungry you can end-up desiring fast food to satisfy your hunger. Remember to always eat! Even if you are someone who wants to lose weight, you HAVE to eat!!!!! Starving yourself with NOT lose weight, if you do see pound coming off its water weight!! Go drink a glass of water and then weigh yourself again, you'll see plus pounds then before!!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Flax seed oil..

Many people ask me about taking flax seed oil, some people don't even know why they would even take it!  Make sure you understand and know what you are taking and why you are taking ANYTHING. Do not just put anything into your body cause it works for someone else. I don't take it due to the fact I am allergic to it. There are people like myself that have no idea that they are allergic to it until its taken. It make me very sick and I couldn't hold it down. I was taking the pure oil not a pill form. So no matter what you take, please take cautions and understand what is being took.

So what is flax seed oil? Flax seed oil is the world's richest source of omega-3 fatty acids! Has over two times the amount of omega-3 fatty acids as fish oils!! Almost every system in the body can benefit from flax seed oil's natural properties, including the cardiovascular system, immune system, circulatory system, reproductive system, nervous system, as well as joints.There are so many other benefits that researchers have tested and proven that are related to taking flax seed oils.

  • Has been proven to improve the behavior of Schizophrenics.
  • Can relieve some cases of PMS in females. 
  • Strengthens finger and toenails.
  • Can improve eyesight and perception of colors.
  • Can often improve the function of the liver.
  • Can relieve the side effects and stop development of many forms of cancer.
  • Can relieve some cases of Asthma.
  • Helpful in the treatment of Eczema, Psoriasis, and Dandruff. 
  • Helps protect the body against high blood pressure, inflammation, water retention, sticky platelets and lowered immune function.
  • Shortens recovery time for fatigued muscles after exertion.
  • Increases the body's production of energy and also increases stamina.
  • Accelerates the healing of sprains and bruises. 
That is just to name a few!! To get the meet your daily need for essential fatty acids, its most likely you will need to take supplements!  The recommended daily dose for most people is at least 1,000 mg taken one to three times daily. Even better is adding flax seeds into your diet in breads, muffins or on salads. Scientific studies have used up to 30 grams of flax seeds a day safely and without side effects.

As always becarful and aware of what you are consuming!!


Some information obtained from

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Smoothie for all

I know Ive been posting shakes with protein more for people that work out, but here is one that everyone can enjoy! The kids will love this one too!!

Banana-Orange-Strawberry Shake

* 6 strawberries, frozen
* 1/2 banana, frozen
* 1/2 cup water
* 1/2 cup orange juice
* 1 tbsp. skim milk powder

In a blender, process all the ingredients until thoroughly mixed and serve. Add a lil extra ice for a coler treat for the kids!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Make your produce colorful!!

All fruits have color.But did you know that certain colors of fruits hold added benefits? These fruits, and veggies, contain anthocyanins (an-tho-cy-a-nins). Anthocyanins are plant compounds that give the fruits and veggies those bright and bold colors! When looking for what to look for keep in mind load up on foods that are in the blue, purple and dark red family.

Some other actions that anthocyanins are:
  • a natural inflammation aid
  • antioxidants
  • weight control aid
  • circulation 
Some foods to pick up when shopping that have anthocyanins:
  • purple potatoes 
  • cranberries
  • cherrys
  • kidney beans
  • egg plant
  • blueberries
  • dark grapes
  • blackberries
Not only are they a great nutritional benefit they also hold keys to maintain great health in the gym as well!  Just for an example cherries reduces symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage after even the toughest workouts. Anthocyanin-rich foods can be important for keeping numerous workout-sapping conditions, ranging from achy joints to asthma, under control.
*Journal of Nutrition- supplied some information mentioned in this!!

Shake of the day

Berries & Cream Shake

  • 1 Scoop Of Vanilla Whey Protein
  • 1 Scoop Of Ice
  • 1 Lil Can Of Pineapple Juice or about a cup of fresh pineapple juice
  • 1 Handful Of Mixed Berries
Blend and enjoy!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Something to wake up too..

Tomorrow morning I have a challenge for you all. You don't need any weights or accessories just jump out of bed!! Time yourself and then repeat the same exercise again at some point later in the afternoon an compare times!! REMEMBER always aim to BEAT your time!!

  • 100 Burpees 
No half doing them either!! 

Shake of the day

Pineapple Power

  • 1 cup of pineapple juice
  • 3 strawberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1 teaspoon of yogurt
  • 1 scoop of your choice of protein 

Something light and refreshing on this warm day!! Enjoy after a hard workout :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Shake of the day

Peanut Butter Chocolate Truffle 

  • 2 scoops chocolate flavor whey protein powder
  • 1 teaspoon creamy peanut butter
  • 16 ounces nonfat milk
  • 1/2 cup ice cubes 
 Sounds good :)

hectic weekend.. recipe!!

So finally after a hectic weekend and no posts I'm back!  No matter who you are this time of year just seems to be so busy for everyone!! As a mother of 3 with baseball, to dance, to soccer, and hockey to name a few of my weekly who has time to cook a great, healthy dinner.. NO ONE!! Instead of trying a new drive thru or the normal drive thru once a week go to the store and stock up on fresh fruits, grains, bottle waters, chicken, and things you can put together quickly and still maintain your diet! Try this recipe!!

Chili Roasted Salmon with Cilantro Cream
Recipe developed by Jeanne Kelley

Makes: 4 servings
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes

Nonstick cooking spray
4 tablespoons fresh lime juice
4 garlic cloves, smashed
2 teaspoons chili powder
2 teaspoons ground cumin
3 teaspoons olive oil
4 5-ounce skinless salmon fillets
1 1/2 cups frozen corn kernels, thawed
1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
1 poblano pepper, thinly sliced
1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced
Freshly ground black pepper
1/3 cup light sour cream
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Mist 2 large baking sheets with cooking spray. In a small baking dish, mix together 2 tablespoons lime juice with garlic, chili powder, cumin, and 1 teaspoon olive oil. Add salmon and turn to coat; let sit.
2. In a medium bowl, toss corn, bell pepper, poblano pepper, and onion with remaining 2 teaspoons olive oil. Transfer corn mixture to one of the baking sheets; spread into a single layer.
3. Remove salmon from marinade and arrange on second baking sheet. Drizzle corn mixture with remaining salmon marinade. Season salmon and corn with salt and black pepper to taste and roast 8 to 10 minutes, until fish is just cooked through and vegetables are tender.
4. Mix together sour cream, cilantro, and remaining lime juice. Season with salt to taste. Spoon corn onto plates and add salmon. Drizzle cream over fish.

Nutrition facts per serving: 444 calories, 33g protein, 22g carbohydrate, 25g fat (5.9g saturated), 3g fiber

It sounds great and I also plan on making this dish this week!!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011


A new challenge today!!!!!

  • 20 Pull-ups
  • 30 Push-ups - NO girly!!
  • 40 Sit-ups - sit all the way up, NO crunches!!
  • 50 Squats - get your but down as low as you can!!
Rest precisely three minutes between each round. 5 rounds, time each round. To make sure everyone understands, doing 20 pull-ups, 30 push-ups, 40 sit-ups, and 50 squats on one round!! You have to do it five times!! After completing one rest three minutes, NO longer NO shorter. Then start all over again!! =)

Remember you are only competing with yourself, but try to beat your time each and every time!! 



Many people have asked me what is creatine, is it a pill, protein, do I need it?? Well your body makes creatine so yes you need it .Creatine monohydrate is a non-vitamin nutrient manufactured by the body in the liver and kidneys and stored in muscle tissue.Creatine helps replenish your cell's reserves of energy. With higher energy reserves, you are able to work out longer and with more intensely. Creatine is already make naturally inside your body, but there are supplements that you can take if you wish to up your levels. So what are the benefits of creatine? Creatine helps aid in muscle recover, more ATP production in muscle cells which means more energy is available for muscular contractions, reduced lactic acid buildup and if your goal is to appear bigger the appearance of the size and shape of your muscles even within the first week of taking it will be noticed. Creatine supplementation also may improve our serum cholesterol levels And of course there are some side effects! Stop taking any creatine supplements if you experence and of these: gastrointestinal distress, dehydration, muscle strains, muscle tears, and also blood pressure flux. 

However not everyone needs to take creatine supplements!! I do not recommend just anyone taking them, this is my opinion! People that would benefit from taking creatine supplements would be athletes that their performances are  characterized by short bursts of intense physical activity. These can consist of sprinters, soccer players, hockey players, weightlifters, and even baseball players, just to name a few!

There are a couple varieties of creatine supplements that you can take. There are 3 main types of creatine supplements. If you ask me they are not all equal in value though!!
  • Creatine monohydrate is by far the most common form of creatine found in supplementation. It is composed of 88% creatine and 22% water. Most research studies use this form of creatine because it is the most widely used form of creatine.
  • Creatine phosphate is another form that is composed of 62.3% creatine and 37.7% phosphate. The thinking behind this form is that it is the form that your body uses to actually power itself, since creatine on its own will not work. It has to be bounded to a phosphate group. One disadvantage to this form is that you get only 623 milligrams of creatine per gram taken. Also very expensive!
  • Creatine citrate is yet another form that is supposed to be much more water soluble and thus is easier to mix with water and taste better. However, there is only about 400 milligrams of creatine per gram of creatine citrate.  
 You HAVE to work out when taking a creatine supplement!! Like I stated before taking supplement for creatine is NOT for everyone!!!!!
 I hope this helps everyone understand a little more about creatine!! If you have any questions please ask!! 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Shake of the day..

Cinnamon Roll Protein Shake
  • 2 scoops vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tbsp sugar-free instant vanilla pudding
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp imitation vanilla (or 1/4 tsp extract)
  • 1 packet artificial sweetener
  • a few dashes butter flavor sprinkles or butter-flavor extract, if wanted
  • 8 oz. water
  • 3 ice cubes
Add all ingredients to blender, whip, and serve.

Nutritional Information:
All added ingredients (excludes protein powder & use of milk), please calculate the additional calories according to what protein and milk.
Calories - 25
Carbohydrates - 5g
Protein - 0g
Fat - 0 g
Fiber - 0 g

I love cinnamon, so this is a great one if you also like cinnamon!! 


I have a challenge for everyone!! If you want please post your times!!

As fast as you can
  •  10 squats
  • 10 push-ups-no girly push ups either!!
  • 10 sit-ups
Do nine reps of each. Then eight, seven, six, and so forth, until you reach one rep of each exercise. Rest as little as 30 seconds between sets, or try not to rest at all. Record your time!! NO CHEATING!!


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Shake of the day..

Nada Colada Protein Shake

  • 2 scoops vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 c pineapple-orange juice*
  • 1/4 tsp rum extract
  • 1/4 tsp coconut extract (or 2 tbsp shredded coconut)
  • 1 packet artificial sweetener
  • 4 oz. water (or low-fat milk)
  • 3-6 ice cubes
**Low-carb version: Omit juice and use 1/2 tsp sugar-free pineapple-orange drink mix (dry). Increase water or milk to 8 oz.**
Add all ingredients to blender, whip, and serve.Enjoy!!
Nutritional Information:
for added ingredients (excludes protein powder & use of milk depending on your choice of milk/protein)
Calories - 61
Carbohydrates - 15g
Protein - 0g
Fat - 1g
Fiber - 0g 

Great for anytime of the day!!! 

Saturday, April 30, 2011

FINALLY the weather is getting nice out!! Everyone is spring cleaning their houses, so why not your fridge and cabinets?? When it comes down to it, do you know what is really a good choice for you and what is not?? Here is a few pointers to help you out!! Many people will not do this, but I really hope you do!!

Okay so grab the garbage can and lets go!!

Starting with the fridge..
                    Get ride of                                                Replace it with this
  • Mayo(fat free, less fat, olive oil,any mayo) ---- hummus or mustard
  • Sour cream                                               ---- greek yogurt
  • Dips(nacho cheese dip,french onion, ect.) ----  Salsas, Homemade guacamole, favored hummus
  • Yogurt with fruit on the bottom, or favored(cakes, chocolate, sweets)----Greek yogurt flaovered yourself, with honey, semi sweet chocolate chips, fresh fruits, cinnamon, ect.
  • Sweeten drinks (pop,juices with added sugar, ect.)---- water with lemon or try cucmuber in your water, teas no added sugar.

     Try adding to your fridge:
  • PRODUCE, PRODUCE!! Grab it all!! Try things that you would never buy!!Apples, pears, melons, cherries, lettuce, kale, broccoli, green beans, squash, ect!!
  • Gallons of water!! Stock up!!
  • Chicken
  • Seafood
Dont think that you have to just go to a whole foods to buy healthy foods. Some local grocers will not carry everything but it is just as good!! A important rule to follow is when shopping, try to load your cart with everything from the outside of the isles. Produce, seafood,poultry,meats!! Stay away from the isles!!

Now moving on to the pantry!!
                         Things to toss                                                  Replace with 
  • Doritos, Cheese puffs, cookies, candies, extra sugars ---- pita chips, raw almonds, walnuts, pecans, and pistachios are good for you in small doses, and plain microwave popcorn (without butter)
  • Pasta                                                             ----  Try whole wheat pasta instead
  • pop tarts, kiddies cereals                                ---- when buying cereals please look at the labels!! The closer an ingredient is to the top of the nutrtion label, the more of it there is in the food. A quick rule of thumb: Never buy a cereal with more than 10 grams of sugar or less in three grams of fiber per serving.     

This is just a short list to get you started!!

I really do hope that atleast some of you will try this!!
Good luck!!


Friday, April 29, 2011

Shake of the day

Green Tea Breakfast Shake
 This makes on serving.
• 1 cup brewed green tea,
• 2 cups mixed berries, frozen
   or fresh
• 1/4 cup plain nonfat yogurt
• 1/4 cup quick oats
• 1 tbsp lemon juice
• 1 tbsp milled flaxseed
• 1 tbsp wheat germ
• 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
• Ice cubes

Mix all ingredients in a blender. Serve!!

Calories: 440, Total Fats: 7 g, Saturated Fat: 2 g, Trans Fat: 0 g, Cholesterol: 40 mg, Sodium: 80 mg, Total Carbohydrates: 65 g, Dietary Fiber: 13 g, Sugars: 29 g, Protein: 30 g, Iron: 4 mg

This is a great shake. If you have just worked out or pressed for time before you hard workout, this is fast and full of essential nutrients that you need! At first you might see the 440 calories and kind of get nervous, but you need those calories. So many people just look at the calorie count!! DONT!! If you are having hard workouts and burning alot of calories you must replenish them!! To LOSE weight you much EAT!!!! This shake has protein, healthy fats, and fat blasting catechins from the green tea!! Try it and tell me what you think!!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

A taste for sushi.. But hold the fat and calories..

When some think of sushi, they think they are eating "clean" or "healthy". However this can be so far from the truth. If you eat brown rice all the time and stay away from the white rice, why would it be okay to eat it on a roll? Some sushi restaurants top it with everything from foie gras to deep-fried tempura crispies, piling on the fat and calories. It looks small, with all the greens, and bright colors of all the different rolls it would be hard not to think it was a healthy choice. But remember look at everything thats it in, unless its paper wrapped, non fried, no mayo, and just a fish and veggie. Think twice. Instead try this!!

 Seared Tuna with Beans
  • 4 sushi-grade tuna steaks (3 oz each)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Nonstick cooking spray
  • 12 oz fresh green beans trimmed
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 2 tbsp wasabi paste
  • 4 scallions (white and green parts), sliced thin on the diagonal
  • 3 tbsp black sesame seeds
How to Make It
1.) Bring a large pot of salt water to a boil. Preheat a grill or grill pan over high heat.
2.) Season the tuna steaks with salt and pepper to taste, then spray lightly with cooking spray. When the grill is hot, add the tuna and cook for 1 1/2 minutes per side for medium-rare. Transfer the tuna to a platter and let stand, uncovered, for five minutes.
3.) Meanwhile, cook the green beans in the boiling water until just tender, about three minutes; drain.
4.) Squeeze lemon juice into a medium-size bowl, add a bit of zest, and whisk together with garlic and wasabi. Add the green beans, scallions, and sesame seeds. Toss to coat, adding salt and pepper to taste.
5.) Thinly slice the tuna. Fan each portion onto each of the four plates. Pile a mound of dressed green beans on top of the tuna.

Nutritional Breakdown
Per serving/ Recipe makes 4 servings
Calories: 166
Protein: 23 g
Carbs: 11 g
Fat: 3.8 g
Fiber: 5 g

A great recipe from chef, Rocco DiSpirito

Smoothie of the day

 Apple Pie Smoothie

1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 cup raw apple, chopped
2 tsp walnuts
2 TB ground flaxseed
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/2 cup cold water
5 large ice cubes
How to Prepare:
(This one is easy!)
1. Put ALL ingredients in a blender and blend/whip (high speed) until all ice is crushed and your smoothie is, well….smooth!).
2. Pour in a large glass, and as always…Enjoy!!…or else
Per serving (Serves 1): 299 calories, 23 grams protein, 23 grams carbohydrates, 12.5 grams fat, 8 g fiber!
-Allison Frahn

This smoothie provides tons of fiber! Why is fiber important? Fiber itself has NO calories, however it provides that feeling of being full. The digestive process of fiber itself requires calories, thereby creating a natural calorie deficit through its consumption. Fiber also helps in other areas such as controlling blood sugar levels, shown to help reduce the risk of heart disease as well as many other areas of health.

This is a great smoothie used a meal. If you are on the run or have little time to make a meal, try this!!!

The start..

Hello everyone! So this is my very first blog! I am starting this to help and motivated people who are interested in making a change in their life!! I will be posting fitness and nutrition information, great recipes, and will also customize workouts as well as nutrition plans to individual needs, at additional cost. I will also provide one on one sessions to those who would also like one on one time. If you are also interested in other areas such as crossfit, mma, boxing, bjj, my husband Johnny DiFronzo does training in these areas as well..


I'm not telling you it is going to be easy—I'm telling you it's going to be worth it. --Art Williams